Druha Trava reunited with Winnsboro!
Crossroads Music Company & Listening Room, Winnsboro, Texas? A popular stop for INTERNATIONAL performers? Could this be a true statement? Not only are we a tour stopping spot, we rank as one of many musician’s FAVORITE TOUR STOPS!
Such is the case with Druha Trava, one of the top Bluegrass/Americana groups from the Czech Republic. [click to go to their website] They try to tour the U.S.of A. once a year, and it was John DeFoore – awesome guitar teacher and songwriting coach from Mineola – who first recognized this band’s talent, some 19 years ago, and brought them to his Pickin’ Parlor way back then! Since that time, their English has improved – lol – but Robert Krest’an still sings much of the material in their native tongue. What you get when you spend an evening with Druha Trava, is top-notch performances of Robert’s originals, and covers from the likes of Bob Dylan & the Rolling Stones, all with their signature Czech influences–simply fantastic. Truly talented musicians, they blend guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, dobro, & even a couple wind instruments, with precise/artistic flair! They bring their sense of humor along for the tour, as well!
Click here to Czech out [cute, right?] our video of a Bob Dylan cover from Saturday night’s performance! Click here for some photos on the Crossroads FB page.