The Ultimate Fingerpick

20% OFF Coupon Code: "galactic20" @ check-out Valid thru year's end!

Greg H....I've been using Gen-1 UFPs for years now and I just got one of the Gen-2 picks which I like very much. The Gen-2 pick helps alot where the hard nail part covers the whole front under the nail where it contacts the strings. I used to have issues with the Gen-1 where the rubber under the nail would bind in the strings sometimes. Thank you for your picks. I couldn't play without them.


[Referring to the original design, with neutral over-mold]:

These finger picks are extremely comfortable and easy to use. They provide a greater degree of control over the strings of my auto harp than anything else I have ever used. The plastic nail at the end can be heated (hot water or hair dryer) and shaped to just the right angle for any player. Highly recommended for Autoharp players, and for any other stringed instrument player out there.  ~Rex

Chuck from Florida; NOV-2019

Hey Gus;
I wanted to take the time to thank you for this product
I'm probably not your target customer but I am more than happy to reap the benefits

I have been a flat picker for closing in on 50 years
But having lived a working man's life
I've developed nerve damage and The muscles in my strumming hand Have lost some of their fine motor control
Long story short
The Pick slips out of my hand or rotates while I'm playing

But not anymore !
Thank you for taking the time to think up this ingenious little invention...

I will be ordering A few more because I don't want to be without One


NADIA posts:

Great product, works amazing....Can't wait for the new design! 🙂

Ernest Murphy:

If you are a charango player who can’t grow decent nails, you need to try these out. I’ve tried every other alternative, and this is the only one that works for me and works really well. Try both sizes. Note the instructions on slitting them if neither fits perfectly.

Clawhammer-style banjo player, Paul K. OCT2020

Hello again Gus,
My package of picks arrived today.  I decided that, before I trimmed them to where I think they should be, I would try them as is, right out of the package.  I won't say it was a mistake, but for my playing they needed some trimming.  Not a surprise, there's a generous amount of material to play with.  I trimmed & filed both first and second gen picks to approximate where I like my fingernail to be.
My first impression is WOW... just as I'd hoped, there's none of that rattle that I spoke of, from when the pick hits the vibrating string, with the resonating chamber effect from between the pick and the nail.  The first gen pick has a much more dramatic attack on the strings, which is more than I like, but I suspect trimming it to shape a bit better, and possibly thinning the leading edge to give it a bit of flexibility, may address that; it's been a long day, so this is a tomorrow project...  if I get to it.  The second gen pick is pretty darn near perfect as trimmed, so I'm not sure when I'll get around to doing any more work on the first gen pick...
Both the first gen pick in Large size, and the second gen pick in Medium size, fit my ring size 10&1/2 just fine...  the extra elasticity in the second gen pick works as described, no slit needed.  It's always good to find a web-based product that actually works as described, when you get it in your hands.
I do have to get used to them, but I expected that.  The good news is that I can tell right from the start that they'll work.  I'm going to become a rolling advertisement for The Ultimate Fingerpick...

Extensive Review; Don L.; 18MAR2020

I just got the Ultimate Thumb pick and a set of three Ultimate Finger Picks, and wanted to give you my impression of them in the way of a review. I have pretty much [tried] every thumb and finger pick available. I saw a YouTube video on your product and thought I needed to add it to my collection. I was really pleased by what a great product this is. It far exceeded my expectations. Here are some unbiased pros and cons:
Ultimate Thumb Pick
Pros: I inserted my favorite pick (Blue Chip TD 40) into the pick pouch of your Ultimate Thumb Pick and it fit perfectly. Your thumb pick sleeve fits snug but does not cut off blood circulation. I was able to strum chords and play lead with my fingers free, not holding the pick. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to strum chords with upstrokes, without the pick twisting or loosening on my thumb. Up and down picking patterns for lead were a breeze as well. Of the dozens and dozens of different thumb picks I own, this is now my favorite.
Cons: The thumb pick feels like it is a medium size and it is a little snug. Not terrible, but I think the Large size will fit me better when it becomes available. I will be playing the one I have until the Large is available, and then I will order several.
Ultimate Finger Pick
Pros: I have the Large Clear ones that are first generation [nail design]. They fit perfectly and are by far the most comfortable finger picks I have. They slide on, stay put, and then come off when gently pulled from the top [or "rolled off"] - perfect fit. They do not cut off the blood supply to your fingers either. The nail design is genius. It is positioned exactly like a fingernail and is perfect for anyone used to playing with their nails. There is also the added benefit of being able to do [downward strumming] with them. Another pro is that you can shape them how you like, though the shape they come in is very usable (I may not change the shape of mine).  I can change from an open hand finger picking to a closed hand where I have a grip on the pick in the thumb pick. It is a very natural grip and I can feel the pick between my index finger and my thumb (unlike plastic or metal finger picks). It’s like holding my pick in a natural way while wearing thin rubber gloves - sounds funny, but works great. I can get a lot of pick dynamics this way.
Cons: Seriously - None. My only complaint is that I like the next generation nail design, but it is not available yet in Large. When it is available, I will be ordering several sets.
As a final note in this review, money doesn’t lie and these were so good that I immediately bought another set. I will be ordering several Ultimate Thumb Picks in Large as soon as they are available. I will also be ordering several sets of the second generation nail Ultimate Finger Picks, in Large, as soon as they are available. They were nice enough to include a 20% discount coupon code in the package with my first order. I like this product and I want to support the development of them, so I chose NOT to use it on my second order. I want to support this product and hope to see them have the funds to continue to grow.
Don L.

Vicki is LOVIN' the 2nd gen nail design!

I have been trying to figure out a pick that works for me for a couple of years. I have tried the Alaska Pics, which I liked best because of their tone, but they don't stay on, partly because I don't keep long enough nails. So, I super-glued a piece of elastic to hold them on. I have used other picks that fit over my fingers and are easier to use and less likely to come off...but the tone is harsh. And, they only seemed to work for strumming, not least for me.  I tried making my own by using a  felt pick which I sewed onto another "over the finger pick" by drilling small holes in the pick. As you see, finding a pick that works for me has been hard. Then, I saw the "Ultimate Finger Pick" I ordered some of the Generation One which immediately passed up any others that I have tried. I did need to file them way down, since I wanted to be able to pick and strum without taking it off. However, I found that when I filed them that low, I would catch the rubbery part on my strings. Most people would be fine if they don't file them down too short. But, then I tried the Ultimate Finger Pick 2nd generation [nail design].

And, I can't believe it! I finally found the perfect pick. I am so happy and excited. It is flexible and is easy to use without any accommodations, although they still can be modified to specific desires if wanted. I just can't tell you how excited I am. I am so thankful to Gus for designing this amazing pick. 
Halfway, Oregon

Thomas V - 2019

Hello Gus, thanks for the super fast shipping! this pick is awesome!... I was a flat pick rock n roll player but I had a brain aneurysm then month and a half coma 14 years ago I’ve tried a few thumb picks but they never worked for me either slip too much and/or fall off..I have a heavy hand but this pick is a GOD-send... I played an hour i couldn't do that scene i been disabled... next month i'll but a few more!... may GOD bless you for many more years.


REX, on Autoharps, etc:

These finger picks are extremely comfortable and easy to use. They provide a greater degree of control over the strings of my auto harp than anything else I have ever used. The plastic nail at the end can be heated (hot water or hair dryer) and shaped to just the right angle for any player. Highly recommended for auto harp players, and for any other stringed instrument player out there.

Andrew states, "I’m enjoying very much Ultimate Fingerpick, I really love it. Somebody had to invent it!"

Learning Curve: 06APR2020

Gus;  Thanks for the finger picks and the thumb pick!  I have been playing around with them and there is a learning curve.  I'm sure it will take me a little more time as I am not that good a guitar player, but the 2nd generation [nail] is great, as I can plant my fingers on the strings, and the stretch material has a much better feel.  I had already sanded the first generation [nail] but have not tried the acrylic yet... [as soon as we are able to get out and about].

~Kim M.

Andrew is hopeful!

Thanks, Gus. I am a lap steel/resonophonic guitarist that has been struggling with finger picks for years. Fingers crossed!

Andrew Brenneman

I'm definitely favoring the 2nd gen pick at this time, but I have wavered back and forth between the two gens since I got the first shipment.  After over-experimenting with the first replicate of the 1st gen pick, I have the 2nd replicate working well.  There's a difference in how aggressively I hit the strings in my playing, depending on which gen pick I'm using, and it takes me a few minutes to switch my playing when I switch picks.  Both work well!  As with any pick, it takes time to adjust to it.  But with either pick, the rattle that I always heard when I used other kinds of picks is essentially non-existent.  As long as I adjust my approach to the strings, it sounds like I'm using my fingernail...  I hardly know that the pick is there.  ~Paul K. - Illinois  NOV-2020

Hello Gus! 
Sajan G. here...  Just like to say I am very happy with the fingerpicks, and I will be buying more in the future.
One thing though, could you please make a finger pick for the pinky (small) finger, because it would be ideal for playing flamenco guitar. Thank you!
Sajan G; United Kingdom 27NOV2020

Tee King, from Washington writes:

"I won't use anything else"..." they work better than all the others I've tried...they're simply more precise when picking a melody on 36 strings. I do love me my autoharps!"   DEC-2020

Mickey D. from Manitoba, Canada writes: [24DEC2020]
As arthritis claims ability in both my hands — I am 60 — I have been busy looking for methods, exercises and equipment to allow me to continue playing. The Ultimate Finger Pick and Thumb Pick products have solved that part of my dilemma.
For whatever reason, I was having trouble with alternating picking with traditional thumb picks. The picks would eventually need to be pushed back up the thumb or fall off before I could. I also didn’t like the shape. Yeah! Yeah! That’s all personal, but so is playing guitar.
The “Pick Pocket” (the ultimate thumb pick) and The Ultimate Finger Pick fit snug allowing me to play as I choose. I can even select what kind of pick to use in the Pick Pocket. Because both fit so well, I don’t have problems with alternate picking and can even use downstrokes with the finger picks. Bonus!
Customer service is exceptional, too.
--Mickey D; Manitoba, Canada
James M., from Colorado:  [30DEC2020]
I just want everyone to know my thoughts on the Ultimate finger picks. I have ordered many different picks in the past and never found any that were comfortable. So I thought I would try the Ultimate Finger Picks. I called up Crossroads Music Company to ask a few questions on the picks. I left a message and Gus Gustafson called me back in a very short time. Gus answered all my questions so I ordered the 2nd generation picks. I received them in about 4 days, and wow, I really like them. My only problem with them was that they were a little tight on my fingers, so I called Gus and ordered the larger size of the 1st generation picks. These work great and are very comfortable. It is just like using your own finger nails. Love the concept of these picks and also the fact that they are made here in the United States
Thank you Gus.  ~James M., Colorado
Bert Bergland, from Colorado Springs, writes:
I received the Ultimate Finger Picks yesterday.  One word...AWESOMEOkay, two words...BRILLIANT.  I finally have finger picks that are comfortable and work!  
I do notice that the [silicone-like] sleeves tend to rub against each other and interfere with smooth banjo picking.  However, a shot of silicone spray solved the problem.  
Also on the thumb pick, the [silicone-like] strip holding the pick catches on the banjo's 5th string.  Can I trim that strip back a millimeter or two without risking the integrity of the thumb pick itself? Answer=YES! 🙂
Finally, you asked for my opinion of the new fingerpick tip design you sent along with my order.  Actually, this newer "nail" design seems to work better for my style of banjo play; I combine both a Scruggs' three finger style and a 'frailing' style, instantly switching between them in some songs.  Regular fingerpicks made this very impractical as the metal pick would often get caught in the strings and flip off.  Your picks solved this problem immediately.  Also, the metal picks prevent full finger joint flexion and are often very uncomfortable.
I prefer the clear [silicone-like] sleeve in the newer picks as it is more [aesthetic]  
Thanks for inventing this great leap forward in what has always been a heretofore annoying but necessary product.  
Bert Bergland
Colorado Springs

R&D Donations here!

Ultimate Thumb Pick: One-minute video

Verlon Thompson tells a short Guy Clark story while he demos the pick:

Thumbs have unique needs that set them apart from fingers, and finger picks.  The pick needs to stay in place, and we believe we’ve solved that problem, while enabling the end-user to use the flat pick of their choice by inserting it into the special pocket.

A little information on the Ultimate FingerPick:

Jim Cobb Demonstrates the Ultimate FingerPicks

If you play guitar, banjo, resonator, pedal steel, or any other stringed instrument where you’d use a pick, you may have already experimented with various finger picking techniques to expand your playing styles. Most guitar players use a flat pick. Banjo and steel players use finger picks. Growing one’s nails and adding a thumb pick to the mix is one common solution to gaining volume and tone from your thumb and fingers, since using the flesh part of your fingertips just does NOT produce the volume or tones that match up with that of a thumb pick. For those of us that just can’t grow our nails with any consistency, or with the necessary strength to hold up to the steel strings, various finger picks have been introduced over the years into the marketplace. Also, acrylic nails, applied at the local nail salon, can serve a finger picker well, provided there is proper maintenance and under-the-nail fungus prevention. A percentage of the stringed instrument players in the world experiment with these types of artificial nails to double as finger picks.  My fellow-inventor, Jim, even went through a phase where he’d GLUE flat picks to his fingernails to try and achieve the tones he needed, since, as a professional guitar player, he has always preferred playing with thumb & multiple fingers, over using any of the available flat picks.

Most of the aforementioned have their drawbacks and imperfections, with the biggest drawback of the various finger picks being that one is limited to the upstroke motion only; guitar players will relate, especially if they ever accidentally down-stroked and had the picks get ripped right off the end of their fingers! Flat pickers that cup the flat pick during portions of songs, so that they can finger pick, lose volume & tone if it’s the flesh part of the fingertip making contact with the strings during that part of the song (plus, they sometimes DROP the flat pick that they had hoped to use again at some point in the song). I was experimenting with acrylics, while taking guitar lessons, and was actually learning some finger picking techniques. Jim was having much better luck with the artificial nails. I had troubles with the acrylics, including fungus and improper maintenance, and even tried attaching various picks, in various ways, to my fingertips. One morning, while visiting Jim, we brainstormed some ideas for reusable styles that would attach to the ends of our fingers, and the lights came on! Through much experimentation and many trials, enter the Ultimate FingerPick [TUFP]–PROBLEM SOLVED!!!

The Ultimate FingerPick fits over your fingertip and has the look and feel of your natural fingernail, but with the strength of a pick. A musician can use one, two, three, or even four Ultimate FingerPicks on the picking hand, and they are RE-USABLE. Even though they are not flat, the index fingernail can be used as your flat pick, simply by gripping it with your thumb as if you were gripping a flat pick between your thumb and index finger! The fact that one can DOWNSTROKE sets The Ultimate FingerPick apart from all its competitors. Finger picks really haven’t changed much in a hundred years, except for materials they’re made from—UNTIL NOW! The Ultimate FingerPick can really add an advantage to all stringed instrument players of the world, allowing for improved technique, with a feel as natural as your own fingernails. Touring musicians will want to keep a few in their gig bags, especially if they rely upon their nails for their performances. What do you do if you break a nail in the middle of a show?? The Ultimate FingerPick to the rescue!! For those professionals that prefer the viewing audience NOT be completely aware of how they create their sounds on a stringed instrument, we have eliminated the orange color, and have gone with natural flesh-tones/nail tones, so that the Ultimate FingerPick will better blend into the hand.  Also available in the "CLEAR" over-mold, which basically disappears once in place.

Meet the Team


The Ultimate FingerPick is now available from the eCommerce store shared by Crossroads Music Company & the Ultimate FingerPick. The "neutral/opaque" colored over-mold and the "clear" over-mold (with a bit more elasticity) are available in medium & large sizes.  The new '2nd generation nail design' is currently only available in the medium with the clear over-mold.                    Click the “Buy Now” button to shop.

Proceeds from the sale of the medium & large sizes will be used to fund the molds for the 2nd generation "small" and "large" sizes.  The thumb pick version is currently available in the "one-size-fits-most".  We hope to create/fund the small & X-large over-molds for that design, as well.

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