Remedy Stick Rocked the House!!

Richard shredded the guitar, while Owen kept the pace on drums, with Sparx on bass keeping everyone flowin’ all night long!!  Sparx is home-grown Winnsboro, returning to share with family & friends where his music has evolved.  All I can tell you is how tight these three were, as they performed a mixture of originals from the new CD, and covers that many musicians would not even attempt to tackle—Richard played “Black Magic Woman” with such style & precision, I liked it BETTER than when Carlos Santana performs it!!!

Gus joins in the fun with Sparx, at the beginning of the night, playing “Crossroads!”  Photo by: Michael Alford Photography.

[photos by Michael Alford]

Sparx & Owen, keepin it TIGHT!


Anyway, Remedy Stick graciously presented two wonderful sets of music to an appreciative crowd, and gifted everyone with a copy of their debut CD–totally cool!! ~Gus

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